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Cross Country (Girls V)

Lady Kats Race at Brownsburg

By Jordan Ousley | Sep 7, 2024 8:37 PM

On Saturday the Lady Kats raced in the Brownsburg Invitational. The Kats raced well, as every girl in the varsity and the junior varsity race either set a personal best or a season best. For the varsity Kats freshman Alaina Thompson continues to improve, as she finished in a PR time of 23:15. Every week Alaina improves her time, as she learns to race smarter and make her moves when she needs too. Following Alaina was Morgan Rakestraw as she set a PR with a time of 23:53. This was Morgan's first time under 24 minutes and she ran a tough race to make sure she got there on Saturday. Morgan has improved a lot this season and she continues to develop and improve each week. Our other PR on the girls side was Christina Durham, who dropped over a minute off her previous PR from last year and who also dropped two minutes off her time just from last week as she raced to a time of 24:36. Christina ran a great race and she really pushed herself today in order to race as well as she did. She has more to improve and she is excited to get back to work. Gretchen Riggle and Claire Callane also raced well for the Kats as they both set a new season best today with time of 24:54 and 26:30 respectively. These 5 girls work hard all week, so I am glad to see it paying off for them at the meets. In the JV race all of our girls raced well with freshman Allaina Helmberger being the first one in with a PR time of 29:01. This was the best Allaina has raced this season, as she is learning and continuing to improve each week. She was followed by Bethany Burns, Emilie Leger, Teagan Dalton, Maddie Armstrong, & Grace Lake who all set season best times in their race. Today was a great day for our Lady Kats and now we look to build off of these performances. Our next opportunity will be next Saturday as we head to IWU to race in the Wildcat Classic. Go Kats!! Coach Ousley